Consolidate Today

It’s easy to transfer, and the rates are great!

Consolidate Debt with Us

Do you have a car loan with only six months left to pay? Have you charged a little too much on your higher interest card and you’ve got credit card debt to pay?

All balance transfers must be from an existing loan or credit card outside of DECU. Rates vary based on credit approval and could vary every six months after approval. Scroll down for a list of all terms, conditions, and fees for a Platinum Visa credit card.

What is Balance Transfer, anyway?

Our balance transfer program is the process of transferring debt from one credit card or loan to The Earthmover Visa Card. Not only does this allow you to minimize monthly interest rates, and pay more toward what you owe, it simplifies your financial life.

No more keeping track of multiple payment due dates. No more accrued late fees. This is a credit program made simple.

Complete the form below to transfer up to three credit card or loan balances to The Earthmover Visa. Here's how it works:

  • We will take your information and pay the other credit card or loan companies.
  • There is no fee and a low annual percentage rate.
  • Finance charges begin accruing the day your payoff is sent to your creditor. Continue making payments to your existing creditors until you confirm a $0 balance.

(Or if you prefer, you can call 1-800-542-6474 and give them all the same info over the phone.)

By choosing to submit this form, you are authorizing Decatur Earthmover to transfer the listed balances to your credit card at Decatur Earthmover Credit Union and are bound by the Terms and Conditions sent to you with your credit cards.

Interest Rates and Interest Charges - Schumer Box Description
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 8.5% to 18.0% Based on your Beacon Score
APR for Balance Transfers 8.5% to 18.0% Based on your Beacon Score
APR for Cash Advances 8.5% to 18.0% Based on your Beacon Score
Penalty APR None
How to Avoid Paying Interest on Purchases Your due date is at least 25 days after the close of each billing cycle. We will not charge you any interest on purchases if you pay your entire balance by the due date each month.
Minimum Interest Charge None
For Credit Card Tips from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureay To learn more about factors to consider when applying for or using a credit card, visit the website of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at
Types of Fees Description
Annual Fee None
Transaction Fees
- Balance Transfer None
- Cash Advance None
- Foreign Transaction 1% of the amount of each transaction in U.S. dollars
Penalty Fees
- Late Payment $20 After 10 Days
- Over-the-Credit Limit None
- Returned Payment $25

How we will calculate your balance: We use a method called "average daily balance (including new purchases)" This information is accurate as of 11/1/12 and is subject to change. Contact us by phone at (217) 875-2301, or if Outside Decatur 1 (800) 542-6474, or by mail at PO Box 2515, Decatur, IL 62525 for changes.