6 tips to help you stick to a holiday budget

Gift Spending

1. Before going to a store, check prices online to compare so that you get the best price.

2. Buy gifts with a debit card or cash. If you do have a list of people to buy presents for, avoid using credit cards when possible.

Holiday Decorations

1. Buy artificial trees and poinsettias instead of real ones. These days they look realistic and many people can't tell they're fake!

2. Wrap picture frames (and other wall decor) in wrapping paper from the dollar store instead of buying elaborate decorations each year.


1. Despite what you think, coupon clipping isn't dead. Use coupons to save as much as possible when holiday shopping!

2. Start a potluck! Assign each guest an item to bring to your holiday celebration. This can save money, and give you extra time to enjoy the party!