Here to Help With All Things Money

Receiving, spending, saving, borrowing, and investing - encouraging a healthy relationship with money.

Our Past

We started out as the Decatur Caterpillar Employees Credit Union in 1956. Back then people couldn't borrow money from banks, only businesses could. It was hard to save enough to buy a house or car (still is). So, they organized a credit union where they could deposit part of each paycheck (in a shoebox). The credit union would loan that money out to other employees in need. The loans would be paid back with a little from each check. The interest they paid on the loans was returned to the savers as dividends.

Financial services are more sophisticated now than just savings and personal loans but the concept is the same. By pooling your resources and working together cooperatively everyone benefits.

In the 1980's we left Caterpillar's Accounting Department for a new building, changed our name to Decatur Earthmover Credit Union, and opened up our membership to more than just Caterpillar employees and their families. Since then we merged with 1st Community Credit Union (originally started by Mueller employees) and Route 1 Credit Union in Paris, IL, opened more offices, and have grown to a $250 million financial institution.

Financial Cooperative

Well, basically, we're owned by you, our members. We pay our profits right back to you with lower loan rates, lesser fees, etc. We're most effective at serving our membership when our membership uses us and our services.

Our Future

But enough about us. Let's talk about you - our future. We strive to be where you are so that you can access your money from your phone, tablet, desktop, car, watch, or in person. You choose how you want to interact with your money.

Speaking of your money, it's important for you to learn about money so you can keep more of what you have and make it grow. Please use us as a resource for your money matters - read our articles, ask us questions. Make yours the generation of savvy consumers that can pass your expertise on to the next generation.

Number of Employees

Earthmover has 80 full time and 15 part time employees. Want to meet some of them?

Meet us